Students help others to live sustainably – Wales -In the “Best Advertising” competition

Pupils at Gilwern Primary School learn about one important Eco-theme in each year they are at school. This way they know how to live a sustainable lifestyle when they are older. Even very young children can learn about how to do this. The children have drawn pictures and shared messages with the world.

A message from children aged 5: Ride your bike to keep the air clean.

This links to UN Global Goal 11: Sustainable cities and Communities

A message from children aged 6: Turn off running taps, don’t waste water and save the rainwater to use on the garden.

This links to UN Global Goal 6: Clean water and Sanitation

A message from children aged 7: Put your rubbish in the correct bin, send it to the recycling centre, avoid sending rubbish to landfill.

This links to UN Global Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

A message from children aged 8: Litter on the floor can harm wild animals, many animals are dying because of plastic in the oceans, litter on the floor looks ugly – pick up litter!

This links to UN Global Goal 15: Life on Land

A message from children aged 9: Eat at least 5 different fruit and vegetables every day, drink plenty of clean water, eat only small amounts of unhealthy food.

This links to UN Global Goal 3: Good health and well-being

A message from children aged 10: Turn off lights when you leave a room empty, turn your TV, phone, iPad and game console off when you are not using it, don’t turn the classroom lights on unless they are really needed.

This links with UN Global Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

A message from children age 11: Respect and value diversity, understand that everyone is different, take responsibility for your actions, understand how the world works.

This links to UN Global Goal 16: Peace and Justice, strong institutions.