ANIMAL HOTELS – BASQUE COUNTRY – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

Our company will be a hotel for animals and it is going to offer services that cannot be found in any other hotels

Nowadays when people go on holiday they worry about their pets. Their main worry is about the attention their pets is given: They always want to know that they are in good hands and well looked after, that is why  this business might be a good option and it would be interesting to have a summer camp for pets

Each pet would have a personal file that would include all the information related to the pet: for example, the daily routine, treatments if necessary… The owners would be free to visit their pets whenever they wanted and this way they would be able to see the place where the pets are staying.

The owners would have access to the app to know where they can find a hotel for pets, by using the app the owners would also be able to see their pets with a web cam.


1.- Anyone who has a pet can take it to the hotel but that person must be over 18

2.- Mainly young people and adults, they can be both men and women

3.- It doesn’t have to be an affluent client ut it has to be able to afford to pay the hotel

4.-  It is a simple person, with money to pay the service, they can be man and women.


1.-All the people who are interested, but older than 18

2.- Our store will be physical and online, for example, hotels are physical and our app is online

3.- Putting posters, put ads on the internetgfyt n

4.- Yes were are going to send whatsapp chains, we will also advertisement on the radio,in the press too…

5.- PetsApp

6.- Because we work with animals

7.- Yes, its only our name, its not a bad name, because its easy to remember and anyone can pronounce this name.


1.- Look for good hotels to take care of the animals properly and make sure there is a responsible person to look after them when you are not at the hotel


1.- Build the hotel, buy the necessary equipment for the cats and dogs, create an app that includes all the necessary programmes

2.- the food, the toys, the pool, vigilance cameras, sofas, beds…

3.- Changing expenses depending on the animals staying at the hotel every month and depending on the necessary things to take care of the animals properly

4.- Vet for the cats and dogs, hairdresser´s for the cats and dogs

5.- We would ask for a loan at the bank because we would need a lot of money for the business

6.- We could obtain a loan at the bank or each person could contribute by donating part of their savings


1.- The price of the service its 70€/day but is all included in the prize

2.- The prize of the expenses its variable,it is according to sales