Taranto: in the sea our future!

Best practices related to the theme of sustainability that are related to business ideas, productive activities that could create a value that is not only economic.

 Describe the BEST PRACTICE

Best practices related to the theme of environment  and economic development  that by experiencing the “dolphin watching” on board of special “catamarans” make aware the citizens of the existence of cetaceans not so far from the cost of their own town. The lesson given by marine biologists during the trip educate children to preserve the sea and the aquatic life from the bad habit to throw in the sea plastic and other polluting materials.

 Proposer Country : Italy

To which subject  of the Sustainibility does it refer?

14- life below water


Who does it practise ?

Jonian Dolphin Conservation association for tourists coming in Taranto, but also families and students of Primary and Secondary school.

 Where? (If it belongs to B type, please indicate the geographic place)

 In the Apulia Region,  in Southern Italy, in the Gulf of  Taranto


Since 2009.

From Spring to Summer. In Spring time 3 tours per day from 09.00 am to 05.00 pm for scholastic trips. During Summer months are proposed several touristic tours.

Why do you think that this best practice can be exported?

Because in our opinion this practice is very attractive for students who explore the “treasures” of the sea and learn how to defend it ! It’s also a very important tourist attraction that can increase the economic development of towns where live cetaceans!

Describe the activity

Jonian Dolphin Conservation is an association of scientific research aimed at studying cetaceans in the Gulf of Taranto in the Northern Ionian Sea Tues. Since the know of the marine environment in its many different aspects, the members of the working group put their experiences and skills available for research in the most profound sense of the word. The objective of protecting cetaceans in the Gulf of Taranto can be achieved only by creating awareness in the population that cetaceans still exist in Taranto sea. Such awareness can only be achieved by creating knowledge.

JDC is specialized in the management of marine projects with particular focus on the environmental impact study; specialized in the design and conduct of Marine Mammals Surveys with visual and acoustic equipment and skilled personnel. Its main activity is the “ dolphin watching” that involves tourists and citizens on board of its BOATS; all in cooperation with other organizations and by using nautical means equipped with echo sounder, multiparameter probes, photo-video recording systems in HD, hydrophones for bioacustica studies; It leads sighting campaigns and scientific research on cetaceans for students of lower and upper secondary schools. The association has participated since 2010 to OBIS-SEAMAP, the interactive portal of Duke University that collects worldwide data on sightings of cetaceans.





ACTIVE SCIENCE – Outside and inside the sea – Project

Best practices related to the theme of sustainability that are related to business ideas, productive activities that could create a value that is not only economic.

 Describe the BEST PRACTICE

 Proposer Country : Italy


To which subject  of the Sustainibility does it refer?

8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

14 – Life Below Water

17 – Partnerships for the Goals


Who does it practise ?

I.C. Renato Moro (School); “Co.MIR” – Southern Cooperative Surveys and Researches, “Ittica Jonica”- Cooperative Society, Department of Biology of the”A. Moro” University of Bari, Networked with the IISS- High School of Applied Sciences – Industrial Technician with sections of Computer Science and Telecommunication, Chemistry, Materials and Biotechnology “Majorana”  Martina Franca.

 Where? (If it belongs to B type, please indicate the geographic place)

 In the Apulia Region,  in Southern Italy, in the sea of Taranto.


The activity took place during the academic year 2016-2017

Why do you think that this best practice can be exported?

This activity is exportable as Best Practice because it is an important partnership between school, university and workers’ consortiums.

Describe the activity

The project was intended to expose the students to science and its research method throughout a task oriented and guided practice teaching approach. The on-site visits on the coast line, for inspection, detection and sample survey and collection, aimed to learn more about the oyster reproductive cycle (Ostrea Edulis).
Considering the local oyster farming cultural and historical roots, the oyster spat collection, the growing cycle, the organisms set aside, the morphometric evaluations and the environmental assessment were the main activities developed on the matter.


SCIENZATTIVA Demo Output.pdf


SCIENZATTIVA fuori e dentro l’acqua