Contest: “The Best Advertising and the Best Business Plan”



“G.R.E.E.N.  in Europe”

“The Best Advertising and the Best Business Plan”


S.Y. 2017/2018

Art.1: Purpose of the contest

The I.C. “RENATO MORO” as Coordinator School of the project, launches a competition called “The Best Advertising” and “The Best Business Plan” aimed to award the “best advertising” and the “best business plan” done by the European partner schools of the project. The competition is open to all  students aged 6-19 enrolled in one of the four partner schools  involved in the above project. Students are required :

  • 6-10 years old students – one or more

“Advertising campaign”

  • 11-19 years old students- one or more

“Business Plan”


Art.2 Features 



It shall be creative and put in evidence:

  • a typical product of its own country or one of the partner country;
  • A “best practice” concerning “eco-sustainability” to “import” or to “export” in one of the project partner country.

It is possible to make:

  • Drawings or photos made with any technique and with no size limit
  • A “diorama” or a model structure made with any technique and with no size limit
  • A Powerpoint presentation
  • A 2/3 minutes video

The works must have the following elements:

  • Name of the product or of the “Green Best Practice”
  • Slogan
  • Image (photo, video or drawing)
  • Logo of the project
  • A short text describing the work
  • The names of the students who have participated

The materials used in the contest must be free from any copywriting right and must be publishable on the media channels of the project.



Students of the Low or High Secondary School shall make a simple business plan that is based upon a productive process, a product or a Green Service. The entrepreneurial idea of the business plan must respect at least one of the 17th Goals indicated by ONU  in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

The entrepreneurial idea shall be shown by means of a multimedia hypertext with free technique. The business plan have to include one of the following information:

  • Green business idea
  • Description of the product or of the service
  • Name of the business plan
  • Slogan
  • Logo of the project
  • The main lines of the marketing plan
  • How to get economic incomes
  • The general costs
  • The objectives and the processes done in relation to the sustainable development
  • Names of the students that have participated to the work

The materials used in the contest shall be free from any copywriting right and shall be issued on the media channels of the project.


Art.3: General rules for selection of the winner

Each partner school can take part to the competition with maximum 3 works per category. A first selection shall be done within the school.  The choice of the 3 products will be done by an internal commission that shall be settled inside the school. The commission shall be composed by 3 people that will vote the product with a score from 0 to 10. The sum of the scores given by each member of the commission will define the final score. The commission shall be composed by: the Principal, the vicar, an administrative assistant, a language teacher, an art teacher, a technology teacher, a foreign language teacher, a representative of the parents.

The judging commission of each school will choose the 3 products per category of their own students.

The 3 works for each category of participants (primary school and low/high secondary school) chosen by each school shall be visible on the website of the project , on the official facebook page and on the Etwinning channel ( for a total of 24 works, 12 for the best practice promotion and 12 for the business plan).

Once issued on the above mentioned channels, each single commission of the partner countries  will vote in the same way as described before, but this time they will judge only the works of the other schools and not their own products. The score will be communicated to the coordinators of the sections of the contest ( Leandro – primary school; Battista- secondary school).

By summing the votes it shall be possible to proclaim the winner of each category. Furthermore, it will be possible to proclaim the winner of a “web” competition of each category thanks to a “free” vote that will be done on the official facebook page of the project. In this case all the “likes” got will be summed. The “web” voting system will be closed on 15th May 2018. The names of the winners of the official competition and of the “web” contest will be communicated during the final session of the project in Italy, in Taranto , scheduled  from 14th to 18th May. The decision of the commission will be irrevocable and definitive.

It shall be taken respecting these principles: respect of the themes of the contest; creativity; esthetical and artistic value; communicative impact.


Art.4 Announcement of the winner               

The work that is most voted by each school shall be the winner of its own category.


Art.5 Prizes               

The winner will get the recognition to see his/her product issued on the official web channels and on the ones of the partner schools.


Art.6 Acceptance of the rules and information               

The participation to the competition implies the full acceptance of these rules.  This Contest notice shall be available for consultation on the Website of the project, on the official notice board and on the website of IC “R:Moro”-Taranto, Italy.


Art. 7 Terms and conditions of the delivery of the works

The three works of each school, on the basis of its own belonging category , shall be directly uploaded on the blog of  the project  and on Etwinning  within 07th May 2018. At the end of that day each school shall start voting the products. Each product must indicate the name of the country, the name of the school and the name, surname and class of his/her designer.


Loredana BUCCI

School Principal

I.C. “Renato Moro”-Taranto


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