One of the classes of our 10 years old students of the primary school today have worked together with a group of students of the low secondary school (13 years old)  to realize something very interesting!

The “packaging” of a product!

The children of the primary school, after having studied the “process” that leads to the biological production of a typical  apulien food product, have thought how to “package” it !

They made a lot of drafts and written some procedures underling the importance of using “recycled” materials!

At the end, with the help of the low secondary school students, their tutor during the activity, they made a lot of different “packaging”proving their “entrepeneurial skills”!

The experience has been great!

And now…. we are starting  working  on the “advertising poster”!

C.L.I.L. activities 2016-2017 – “OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT”

During the last school year, Classes 1^B and 1^C of junior High school of IC “R. Moro”, Taranto  – Italy,  developed a C.l.I.L. activity about: “Our carbon foot print”.

Following their previous knowledge about the water cycle and some ecological issues, they were guided by their teachers to carry out a general brainstorming concerning the environment and other related topics; they learned about  ecosystems: atmosphere, soil, water and living beings, they studied the carbon cycle and found out that carbon is present in the natural environment.

Step by step, they built up their  vocabulary, they worked in pairs and in small groups and had great time too. Learning by doing they created posters and slogans and it was really amusing for them;

They tested and graded their carbon footprint and understood how fast we consume resources and generate waste.

They debated about Global warming, pollution, recycling, the ozone layer and deforestation; they focused on What to do to reduce our carbon footprint and Why,  filled in charts with missing information and learnt how they can make a difference in the world to preserve our wonderful natural beauties.

They children used Google Classroom app to keep in touch with their teachers and their classmates and  share their activities with them.

Now they are aware that the environmental implications are in our everyday activities It would be a big mistake not doing anything  to  help our planet, they promised they won’t give up and they hope they can change our world, but above all they are very proud of learning all the above improving their English knowledge.


Here is the presentation of the activities of the project done by the students of the Primary school to discover the meaning of a “Green lifestyle”.

ERASMUS Galles IC R Moro Taranto

Junior Achievement activities: “Our family” (2)

  1. Familiarizing with the “Our Family” program. Children define what a family is, they discover on the poster how family members work together to make better the place where they live. Children also fill in the diary with stickers by first discovering on the poster who does a certain activity, then they cut the image and apply it over the symbol on the page.

  1. There are objects and tools placed in a box – the students name them and say in which profession these find application.





  1. Understanding the concepts of map, symbols, signs, legend.

Working with the map of Bulgaria

  1. Symbol map – hospital, school, library, residential building, police station

Goal – to orientate where we are and how to get to a place.


  1. Needs and desires

Home and restaurant layout

  1. “Make a gift for a friend!” Making frames for photos of vine sticks together with students from 11th grade / You have pictures of your camera.
  2. Finalizing the program and distributing certificates for program completion.



Junior Achievement activities: “Our family” (1)

  1. Theme “Our family”

„It is easier, when we help each other

We work as a team, we think, color, create a book with pictures, we draw family portraits.

  1. Theme „Needs and wishes“

We discuss, color, distinguish cards with the inscription “need” and “wish“


  1. Theme „To pay for our needs and wishes”

„One zero, but how important it is

There are older guest students, who help in the role-play games and tasks.


  1. Theme „The professions in our family“

„One for all, all for one

Consultants are Zornitza and Eli (mothers of children from the class). We listen to parents’ stories about their professions, the children also share what their parents’ professions are. We play educational – cognitive and racing games. We work as a team. We create gift certificates.

  1. Theme „Find the map“

„It is important to be able to orient yourself“

We target the map, get to know the terms “symbol” and “legend”. We work in a team and take part in role-playing games.

We are happy, that we have learned so much!“



Eco-Schools is an international environmental education programme developed by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in 1994 and run in Wales by Keep Wales Tidy.

Eco-Schools is one of a kind – it’s student led which means young people drive the programme (with a little help from their Eco-Coordinator, of course!)

It’s designed to empower and inspire young people to make positive environmental changes to their school and wider community, while building on their key skills, including numeracy and literacy, and encompassing Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship.

The programme is funded by Welsh Government and free for Local Authority schools.

