The winners of the competition “The best advertising and the best business plan”

The winners of the competition “The best advertising and the best business plan” launched within the Erasmus + project “G.R.E.E.N. in Europe ” – S.Y. 2017/2018.

The I.C. “RENATO MORO” as Coordinator School of the project, has launched a competition called “The Best Advertising” and “The Best Business Plan” aimed to award the “best advertising” and the “best business plan” made by the European partner schools of the project. The competition was open to all students aged 6-14 enrolled in one of the four partner schools involved in the above project.

The projects  required were:

“Advertising campaign”
6-10 years old students

“Business Plan”
11-19 years old students


It had to be creative and put in evidence:

a typical product of their own country or one of the partners’ country;
A “best practice” concerning “eco-sustainability” to “import” or to “export” in one of the project partner country.

The winner of this category was the work of the third class section A of the I.C. “RENATO MORO” of Taranto – ITALY – entitled:
Enhance our Area… and ADVERTISING“.

Here is the link to the post of the presentation of the awarded work:

“Enhance our Area… and ADVERTISING” – Italy –
In the “Best Advertising” competition


Students of Middle or High Secondary School made a simple business plan that was based upon a productive process, a product or a Green Service. The entrepreneurial idea of the business plan had to respect at least one of the 17 Goals indicated by ONU in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

The entrepreneurial idea had to be shown by means of a multimedia hypertext with free technique.

The winner of this category was the work of the student team “Rivogliamo Taranto in Startup” of the I.C. “RENATO MORO” of Taranto – ITALY – entitled: “HEMP BAG “.

Here is the link to the post of presentation of the awarded work:

“HEMP BAG” – ITALY -In the “Best Business Plan” competition


Below we enclose the summary of the votes of the jury of teachers who have rewarded the two best jobs on a selection of products made by individual partners.

Advertising-Votes – PDF

Business Plan-Votes- PDF

The Best Advertising -Vote-Form- PDF

The Best Business-Plan -Vote-Form – PDF

The award ceremony of the competition took place on  May, 17 2017 during the closing conference of the Erasmus + “G.R.E.E.N. in Europe ” which took place in Taranto  (Italy)  at the” Istituto Comprensivo Renato Moro”.

The works submitted were all very interesting and were the result of a very hard work carried out by students and teachers from all the partner countries. These products enabled the teachers’ team to measure the educational value of this project

We thank once again all those who have committed themselves to this ambitious and innovative project.


Dream Green ECO Group – BULGARIA – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

This Business Plan was created by students of the Secondary School 137 “Angel Kanchev” of Sofia.


ECO P LIFE – BULGARIA – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

This Business Plan was created by students of the Secondary School 137 “Angel Kanchev” of Sofia.


BIO FRESH Cosmetic – BULGARIA – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

This Business Plan was created by students of the Secondary School 137 “Angel Kanchev” of Sofia.

Bio fresh cosmetics– PDF

ANIMAL HOTELS – BASQUE COUNTRY – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

Our company will be a hotel for animals and it is going to offer services that cannot be found in any other hotels

Nowadays when people go on holiday they worry about their pets. Their main worry is about the attention their pets is given: They always want to know that they are in good hands and well looked after, that is why  this business might be a good option and it would be interesting to have a summer camp for pets

Each pet would have a personal file that would include all the information related to the pet: for example, the daily routine, treatments if necessary… The owners would be free to visit their pets whenever they wanted and this way they would be able to see the place where the pets are staying.

The owners would have access to the app to know where they can find a hotel for pets, by using the app the owners would also be able to see their pets with a web cam.


1.- Anyone who has a pet can take it to the hotel but that person must be over 18

2.- Mainly young people and adults, they can be both men and women

3.- It doesn’t have to be an affluent client ut it has to be able to afford to pay the hotel

4.-  It is a simple person, with money to pay the service, they can be man and women.


1.-All the people who are interested, but older than 18

2.- Our store will be physical and online, for example, hotels are physical and our app is online

3.- Putting posters, put ads on the internetgfyt n

4.- Yes were are going to send whatsapp chains, we will also advertisement on the radio,in the press too…

5.- PetsApp

6.- Because we work with animals

7.- Yes, its only our name, its not a bad name, because its easy to remember and anyone can pronounce this name.


1.- Look for good hotels to take care of the animals properly and make sure there is a responsible person to look after them when you are not at the hotel


1.- Build the hotel, buy the necessary equipment for the cats and dogs, create an app that includes all the necessary programmes

2.- the food, the toys, the pool, vigilance cameras, sofas, beds…

3.- Changing expenses depending on the animals staying at the hotel every month and depending on the necessary things to take care of the animals properly

4.- Vet for the cats and dogs, hairdresser´s for the cats and dogs

5.- We would ask for a loan at the bank because we would need a lot of money for the business

6.- We could obtain a loan at the bank or each person could contribute by donating part of their savings


1.- The price of the service its 70€/day but is all included in the prize

2.- The prize of the expenses its variable,it is according to sales


EXOPLANT – BASQUE COUNTRY – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

Exoplant is a service that offers you exotic seeds to plant your plant and also includes an app to consult any doubt about your plant and its care.

Our idea is unique, since we have the new generation of explanations thanks to the app and the internet. If you have any questions about how to care for your plant, access the application and you have all the information you need, for example, videos, informative texts … and if all this has not been clear to you, you can consult an Exoplant professional for a chat. No other competitive product offers these aids to maintain and take good care of your plant.

People buy this product, because they know that Exoplant is going to be there to help in any doubt.


Exoplant customers can be from anywhere in Spain

Our clients can be of all ages, as if it is a child or an adult. They would be people who would like gardening and have some experience in the care of plants, that is, they would have had a plant before.

Also, they should be people who would have a lot of free time, since these plants would need a lot of care and responsibility.


There will be 2 physical stores in Bilbao where customers can buy seeds from the plants.

-The first one will be in the most central place of Bilbao, great way.

-The second one will be in the Zubiarte shopping center.

There will also be an online store where you can buy the seeds and find information about it.

Our business is going to become important thanks to social networks such as instagram, facebook, twitter. It is also important thanks to whatsapp and gmail, since we will send all the information to all the contacts that we have added, to our friends, we will also tell them to spread this great idea.

We will also be advertising putting posters of exoplant around the towns of Bilbao.

-The name of our company is exoplant, this name is unique and easy to pronounce


-We try to make good practices so that the company is the best possible.

We buy some seeds in Thailand, as it is a very poor city and to help people in need.

We also try to make the treatment of clients and workers as good as possible so that you feel as comfortable as possible.

We try to set realistic goals for the company since we want to grow all over the world but we know that it will take time

-Will improve the environment since we sell seeds of natural plants and that will help makee the planet greener and help society to be more careful with the planet.

We try to make the product accessible to all the public, that’s why we will sell it at a fair price and not very high.


-The first costs of our company will be to pay both premises, that are the rents, water and light, wifi, wages of workers, installation of the room.

-Before starting with all this we need to buy seeds of exotic plants, bags and boxes for shipments to other parts of Spain.

-The heads of exoplant, that is, we have been saving for a long time.

-We asked for a loan to the bank to start well with all this.


-Each worker will charge 1600 euros taking into account that there are 6 workers and a computer scientist. In total 11200  euros in workers per month.

The place would be 250 and 300 euros per month. In account 550 euros per month.

The stores will open at 9 and close at 8 and the workers work shifts, each worker works 5 hours

We will have to travel to Thailand for it, we will send 2 people and all expenses would be 750 euros.

The seeds will cost from 0.65 cents to approximately 1 euro per seed.

-The application costs 4.99 euros

-Twice a year we usually go to thailand to do the commission for a year and to verify that everything we are going to ask for is in good hands and that it is of good quality. The expenses of this trip are usually the plane, the stay, and the export of the plants.To create the application we have our technician, this also means an expense but he is through the application to help any client.


We think about getting together with a Thailand company, whose sets are the ones we sell, but at the end it was better for us to be our own company, so we have smaller expenses.


CHILL EYES – BASQUE COUNTRY – In the “Best Business Plan” competition


  • Creating organic contact lenses (without mercury)
  • It is a product
  • All the liquid of the contact lenses have inside of it mercury so our product can offer an a liquid without mercury.
  • Gaixotasun larri ugarien edo ondoeza izatetik kenduko dizu.
  • Osasunerako askoz hobeagoa dela eta merkurio ez izatea kontaktuzko lenteekin denbora gehiago igarotzea lortzen du.


  • Our customers are those that need contact lenses.
  • All of them.
  • They should be economically standard, we mean that they will not need a lot of money to be able to buy it.
  • My customer is a person sensitive with nature, and also is concerned about health.


  • To the ones that use contact lenses.
  • We will send it to the pharmacy and we will sell it online too.
  • We would advertise it on television and on the Internet
  • Yes, it is unique and memorable. And we think that the name of the product is easy to pronounce and memorize. 


  • That our customers don’t have any problems on their health. I mean that we are going to make a product without mercury.
  • That the contact lenses stop carrying dangerous products for the body.
  • Making things that are good for the customers and for the environment.
  • ENVIRONMENTAL: It isn’t going to wreck the atmosphere never again because of the liquid of the contact lenses.

ECONOMIC: It is going to cost a little bit more, because of the cost of the product that we need (to change the mercury).

SOCIAL: We think that this product is going to get down the number of accident with contact lenses.


  • The first thing that we need to do this product is the bismuth.
  • We need the bismuth that is the principal material of the product, a part of this we need all the material of the liquid of the contact lenses (without the mercury), in the equipment we need qualified staff in science (specifically people that know how work with the bismuth).
  • The bismuth costs 11.750€/kg, taking into account that the bismuth isn’t a natural product it needs to be synthesized a little bit. We need the Hyaluronate liquid (because is the liquid who makes it possible to be in contact with the eye)  that cost over the 5€/1 bottle of 50ml and to our workers (they are going to be 12) are going to have a salary of 2.000€.
  • First we are going to put publicity: In the TV we are going to put in 2 channels (Telecinco and Antena 3). At Telecinco the publicity is going to appear at 16:00 (6.000€) during 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) per week during 1 month and at Antena 3 is going to appear at 13:30 (3.500€) during 3 days (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) per week during 1 month.
  • Of our savings and the campaigns that help us about the money and publicity
  • We are going to take money out of our saving accounts.


  • A bottle of 100ml cost over 15€, a bottle of 360ml cost over 20€ and a pack with 3 bottles of 220ml cost over 32€.
  • We would like to sell 1000 bottles by size. So, if we spend 72.500€ and earn 71.300€.


  • With a non-governmental organizations. Specifically, we are going to talk with the creator of “4 L.O.V.E Projects” to help us with expenses and advertising. 


ORTO FAMILY – ITALY – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

The work presented in this post was made by the students of the team “RivogliAMO Taranto in Startup” of the secondary school of the “Istituto Comprensivo Renato Moro” of Taranto and was selected to participate in the “The Best Business Plan” contest.

Orto family is the first example of urban garden in the city of Taranto.

The land where the Orto family would rise was an uncultivated one of 8000 sqm and it would be divided into mini allotment.

Orto Family business owner would take care of the preparation of the land, the planting of the plants, irrigation, would take care of the development phase of the products of the garden, intervening in case of problems.

Below are the PDF files of the Business Model Canvas and the simplified Business Plan.

ORTO FAMILY – Business Model Canvas

Orto Family – Business Plan – IC Moro

THE ENERGY FARM – ITALY – In the “Best Business Plan” competition

The work presented in this post was made by the students of the team “RivogliAMO Taranto in Startup” of the secondary school of the “Istituto Comprensivo Renato Moro” of Taranto and was selected to participate in the “The Best Business Plan” contest.

Transforming the wastes in other products (by-product of the whole farm) with the use of digestors. These new products are mainly Bio Gas and Fertilizer.

Below are the PDF files of the Business Model Canvas and the simplified Business Plan.

THE ENERGY FARM – Business Model Canvas

The Energy Farm – Business Plan – IC Moro

Let’s talk about “RivogliAMO Taranto… in startup!” – Italian spin-off of the Erasmus+ project “G.R.E.E.N. in Europe”

RivogliAMO Taranto project was born 3 years ago. This year the I.C. Renato Moro has taken a step further, introducing the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship through “RivogliAMO Taranto… in startup.”

After the “Best practices” theme of last year, as indicated by the Erasmus project – G.R.E.E.N. – this year we have faced sustainable entrepreneurship.

In addition to external visits, thanks to which the students got to know and study some of the best local entrepreneurial realities – real examples of sustainable entrepreneurship – they also learned how to write and to complete a business plan.

In fact, during the lessons in the classroom, the kids simulated the launch of a product on the market: the HEMP BAG. It is a shopping bag for tourists made entirely by hemp, which is a textile fiber cultivated in Taranto, our city, and it is a very powerful fiber because it cleans the air from dioxin and pollutants.

HEMP BAG, therefore, in addition to being the first gadget of the city of Taranto – you think, it also contains a map with the most beautiful local itineraries – it is an excellent example of sustainable entrepreneurship and it sends a positive message to the city.

For this task, the students were divided into groups; to each group has been assigned a well-defined professional role.

The logo of HEMP BAG – which was finally printed through 3D printing – was created by the Design group, which has invented the name and the brand identity.

The Commercial group was responsible for defining product costs and profitability targets.

The Social media group has created a strategy for launching the Hemp Bag on the market through the main social network: Facebook and Instagram above all.

The Press group made the launch announcement for online and offline newspapers, blogs, radio and TV.

The Web designer group took care of the creation of the website.

In short, we have the first children company in history! 😊